"Splitpack is an eco-conceived product. It was based on the fact that the cardboard used in liquid brevegases had to be bleached, doubled with wax or plastic lamination and inked making the recycling impossible. Splitpack is composed by two distinct parts that are recyclable at 100%. It saves the gluing, the inking and the plastic cap. The ecological footprint of Splitpack is then tree to four times inferior to classical packages."
"Geometric is a unique pattern resource book featuring an exciting collection of 264 colourful and monochrome pattern illustrations. The Geometric book comes with a CD containing 100 pattern fonts – the most extensive pattern font collection available from any foundry. It also includes a helpful font index and easy to follow tutorials. We hope that you will be inspired by the innumerable possibilities the Geometric font collection has to offer. With thousands of characters you can create your own patterns for years to come."
Nas esculturas de Ron Mueck a fragilidade dos seres humanos é apresentada de um modo cru. São insuportavelmente reais mas também profundamente emotivas, tocantes até. A escala monumental ou diminuta das figuras acrescenta uma estranheza inquietante. Simultaneamente reais e falsas, encarnam afinal a dualidade do ser humano.